Includes: One 8.5 ounce corked, high quality, craft glass jar with either black or rose gold waterproof vinyl writing. Each jar is hand designed in house and may vary slightly.
Dimensions: 6" tall (with cork inserted) x 2.5" base diameter
Capacity: 8.5 ounces / 250 ml
Full moon infused energy? Coming right up! Simply fill your jar with fresh, clean water, drop in a few small crystals, maybe even some of your favorite herbs, and then set these beauties out under the full moon to create your own custom moon water elixir.
Moon water holds the energy of the moon & can be used to:
•Water plants
•To drink (ONLY using fresh bottled water &/or water safe crystals/oils)
•To make tea
•Use in spellwork
•Add to your ritual bath
•Make a facial toner
•Mist your home or sacred space
•Put in a diffuser with oils &/or Florida Water