Tarot & Oracle Decks

Lucero Astral Shop holds a variety of Tarot & Oracle Decks for your spiritual practices & guidance, but first know the difference....

What's the difference between Tarot & Oracle Decks?

Tarot cards come as a traditionally structured deck. There are a few more rules when it comes to Tarot than there are with Oracle cards. Oracle cards are really free-flowing – and they can feature almost any kind of content. With Tarot cards, there are usually around 78 cards. Some decks like to stand out and be a bit different. You might end up with 80 cards or 44 cards, but for the most part, it’s 78 cards. With Oracle cards, on the other hand, there is no set number of cards. You can have a deck with 12 cards, 100 cards, or anything in between.

Regular price $25.95
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Regular price $39.99
Regular price $22.95
Regular price $25.95
Regular price $21.95
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