7'' Blessed Herbal Candles

Regular price $20.50

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Created from special recipes and handmade with only the highest quality herbs and oils, these powerful pillar candles are used by everyone from the most skilled magic practitioners to those just learning the ins and outs of intention work. If you’re looking for an authentic, effective, and proven intention candle to manifest a goal or help you overcome a challenge, the Blessed Herbal candles are the gold standard.

Size: 1.5"x 7" Pillar

Burn Time: 40 Hours

Please be advised candles may appear different to the pictures shown as we are transitioning to new labels. All candles remain the same, just new labeling. 

Available In:

Ancestor: Peppermint, Musk, and Sage- Strengthen the connection to your Ancestors and their voices of wisdom and guidance to be heard in your life. The innocence and trust of your childhood allowed communication with your ancestors who guided and protected you in learning life’s lessons. 

Prosperity: Orange Blossom, Clove, and Cinnamon- Prosperity and abundance are available in unlimited quantities, so don’t be shy. Manifest all you desire and deserve. The universe is filled with unlimited prosperity, ready for your call. All you need is the desire, commitment, and knowledge that you deserve.

Happiness: Juniper, Pine, and Patchouli- Happiness carries a magic all of its own. Everyone is drawn to the way smiles and giggles make our hearts feel. This candle will help to inspire happiness in your own life or thank someone for being the sunshine in yours.

Problem Solving: Honeysuckle- Each challenge, lesson, and problem takes you on a quest of personal growth. Your inner vision is awakened and you blaze new pathways in your brain. It is in a moment of meditation and quiet contemplation that you can hear the small, still voice inside. There you will find your reward. For genuine answers to personal questions, one must search for one’s own truths and understanding. 

Attraction/ Love: Lavender, Cinnamon, and Pachouli-The Attraction Candle is designed to open your heart, mind, and spirit to the ultimate source of love. Through this universal love, you can manifest what you desire and deserve. This fragrance is blended with the magic to bring about a true understanding of the Love that starts within the self. For when there is self-love, you feel deserving of all good things. 

Love's Enchantment: Lemon Grass, Jasmine, and Orange Blossom- Whether you are a longtime-married couple or a new love interest, turn thoughts into desire, igniting an electric attraction between you to create a passionate experience. Enchant each other by awakening the sensuality hidden deep within and fill each other with the gifts of admiration and desire.

Truth & Justice: Sandalwood and Jasmine- In pursuit of truth and justice we need to be able discern the difference between good and evil, or more perceptively; illusion and reality. The light of this candle helps you replace chaos with peace and harmony. Let the truth of the situation shine through for all to see. 

Heart: Ylang Ylang, Rose, and Lavender- Open your heart to the wonder, beauty, and magic that surrounds you. Embark upon a journey of personal discovery. Uncover and heal past hurts that limit the amount of love you allow yourself to receive. Your Heart is the source of self-acceptance and self-esteem. Allow this magical blend to help you clear issues of the past and childhood.

Emotional Balance: Sandalwood and Rose-Emotional Balance is found when we begin to trust our instincts & strengthen our connection with the Divine. It is this source of life that fulfills us and allows us to flow into our destiny. Water represents the sub-conscious, the place of dreams, instinct, and emotions. From this place you will find the conduit to divine wisdom and greater psychic powers that bring your emotions into balance.

Energy & Will: Sandalwood, Gingerer, Frankincense- From the center of your will, anything can be accomplished. For this is the first step on the road to manifesting your desires. Inspiration is the breeze that inflames the embers of your spirit but it is the energy of passion that is required to take an idea and transform it from thought into action. Remember your will and ego are the motivating factors for most positive changes. 

Healing: Honeysuckle and Peppermint- Complete healing occurs in body, mind, and spirit when you address the inner-personal issues that may contribute to your disease. Many times our illness comes from emotions that are suppressed and make themselves known by stress on our bodies. This candle can help you find your center and realign your vibrations to a healthy level.

Inner Balance: Cedarwood, Jasmine, and Sage- Daily life is framed by extremes and bound by one’s response to them. At any given moment we wear the masks of comedy or tragedy in a continual cycle of action/reaction. This candle slows the emotional and spiritual pendulum swings, bringing you to your center. This is a gentle task, like water finding its own level, carving a path in the earth for itself over centuries. A moment of quiet contemplation can mend a day’s worth of turmoil.

Money Draw: Honeysuckle, Patchouli-Universal abundance is unlimited and we are a direct channel to it. So why are there so many struggles to attain it? That's because many feel that abundance is a separate object from the self when in reality, it is something we manifest from within. Money is only the catalyst to attain our desires. Circumvent the spiritual and emotional blockages to abundance and attract the wealth one needs and desires. 

Protection: Frankincense, Clove, and Sandalwood- Black is the blending of all colors, representing protection in all directions, in all areas of your life and through all of your actions. Many times issues of protection are lessons in personal boundaries and personal power. This Candle will help set up an aura of protection be it from circumstances, other people’s energies, or even your own self sabotage.

Stability: Cedar, Patchouli, and Pine-Earth’s energy gives stability and strength to your journey into the depths of your spirit. You can form a solid foundation to build your dreams upon with the energies of this candle! It is during this journey where you will discover the true worth of yourself. It is said that the element of Earth holds all other elements and is the true source of magic. 

Spiritual Cleansing: Lemongrass, Cedarwood, and Peppermint- Cleanse your spirit of confusion - open up to all possibilities. The only things that may stop us from attaining our goals are our self-limiting thoughts and self-sabotage. These spiritual limitations come from your every experience and your reaction to it, from hanging onto past traumas and old beliefs. It also comes from interacting with spiritually poor and emotionally unbalanced people who want a piece of your brilliance.