Azufre/ Sulfur 2oz

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Sulfur 2oz bags

Uncrossing/unjinxing, protection, rid negative energy. In a more drastic form of purification, sulphur can be used to aid in banishing magic. Utilize it to prevent or destroy unwanted spells, to counter opposing magic, and, if needed, it could be used to rid one of unwanted spirits and entities. It’s important to note that when using sulphur, burning it will smell horrible. It’s known for it’s rotten egg stench; burning sulphur in a closed area with pets & children should be avoided.
Sulfur powder is often used to help uncross, unjinx, or unhex people, places, or things. People who suspect they’ve be cursed by someone or have fallen victim to someone’s malicious intent may use sulfur powder during spiritual work to reverse this negative energy and purify their spirit. Sulfur powder is meant to be used with other ingredients or spiritual items. It can be used to protect prayer spaces or one’s home, but it can also be used to form symbols during spellwork as an alternative to cascarilla.

Sprinkle around spiritual objects or altars. May also be laid out to form symbols when conjuring. Wrap with other spiritual items to form a protective cure bag. Mix with salt, then sprinkle around home to purify and protect. Do NOT consume, digest, or inhale, as can be toxic and dangerous to stomach and lungs.


El Azufre bolsitas 2oz

El Azufre esotérico es efectivo para:
Destruir enemigos
Alejar personas envidiosas, malignas y negativas
Alejar presencias y entidades: alejar el Mal
Eliminar energía negativa
Reventar y Tumbar trabajos de Magia Negra
Purificar profundamente
Recobrar la energía
Defender la vivienda de brujería
Imprescindible en cualquier tipo de ritual de limpieza de negatividad en viviendas o negocio