Clear Quartz Tumbled Stone

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Clear Quartz is by far the most versatile and multidimensional stone in the mineral realm. Three of its key properties are energy amplification, programmability, and memory. Clear Quartz is also a stone of light, bringing heightened and spiritual awareness to whoever wears, carries or meditates with it. It provides a clear corridor for the higher vibrational frequencies of the realm of Spirit. Clear Quartz can also be used to amplify the energies of other stones. Clear Quartz aré also ideal for making energy grids- patterned layouts of crystals on the ground or floor, within which one can sit or lie in order to receive the energies generated by the combination of the Quartz and the geometric form of the grid. Clear crystal Quartz can be used for almost any metaphysical purpose., including healing, consciousness expansion, chakra opening, communication with guides, past life recall, interdimensional travel, polarity balancing, enhancement of meditation and dreaming, attracting and sending love, generating prosperity, etc. 

Key Words: Programmability, amplification of ones intention, magnification of ambient energies, clearing, cleansing, healing, memory.

Chakra(s): All

Element: All

Physical: Offers support for the nervous system, can be programmed to assist in any type of healing. 

Emotional: Can be used to intensify feelings and/or heal the emotional body. 

Spiritual: Enhances one's clarity, aids in communication with Spirit Guides. 

Zodiac: All

 **Lucero Astral’s crystals & stones are high quality. Her distributor currently holds a mining contract directly from the mines in Brazil, Morocco, India, Uruguay, Bolivia, Madagascar, Congo and/or Peru.

**All crystals & stones vary in size & shape.