Mulaadhara 1st Red/Root:
The Mulaadhara also known as the base or Root Chakra. Is the first chakra and the beejakshara or the seed sound is "Lam."
Fragrance: Agarwood & Patchouli.
Principle: Deals with survival.
Sense: Smell
Swadhishtana 2nd Orange/Flow:
The Swadhistana chakra is the second chakra & the beejakshara or the seed sound is "Vam".
Fragrance: Jasmin
Principal: Deals with family & pleasure.
Sense: Taste
Manipura 3rd Yellow/Power:
The Manipura chakra is the third chakra and the beejakshara or the seed sound is "Ram".
Fragrance: Frankincense
Principal: Deals with digestive system.
Sense: Vision
Anahala 4th Green/Love:
The Anahala chakra is the fourth chakra and the beejakshara or the seed sound is "Yam".
Fragrance: Rose
Principal: Deals with Love, Faith & Devotion.
Sense: Touch
Vishuddha 5th Blue/Truth:
The Vishuddha chakra is the fifth chakra & the beejakshara or the seed sound is "Ham".
Fragrance: Sandalwood & Sage
Principal: Deals with Creative Expression & Knowlegde.
Sense: Hearing
Ajna 6th Indigo/Insight:
The Ajna chakra or the "Third Eye" is the sixth chakra and the beejakshara or the seed sound is "Sham"
Fragrance: Lavender
Prinicipal: Deals with Intuition & Spiritual Awareness
Sahasrara 7th Gold/Spirit:
The Sahasrara chakra or "Thousand Lotus Petal" is the seventh chakra & the beejakshara or the seed sound is "Om".
Fragrance: Lotus & Saffron
Principal: Universal Consciousness & Intuition.