Witch's Brew Original Candle

Regular price $27.99

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6.5'' x 2.5'' Pillar

Rare resins, herbs, and dragons blood, this candle is perfect for meditation, charging up your spells, protecting you during psychic work, and making your place smell just great! Frankincense, myrrh, and mugwort strengthen the spirit and enlighten the soul to energize and empower any witch’s spellcraft.

Blessing: By water, fire, and air, this spell be strong, my intention fair. By the Lady and the Lord, in sacred space, my magic is poured. Brew, brew, my power grow, on a witch’s prayer my power flow.

A witch's black candle with the perfect magical resin essential blend. Burns for 80 hours.

Remove all packaging before lighting and never leave a burning candle unattended.